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Partnerkarte | Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften

Partnerkarte | Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften

Online maps: Initiatives and Institutes for a sustainable Economy

Citation (2016): Partnerkarte | Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften. [online] Verfügbar unter: [27. Juni 2016].

An online map showing the key, relevant stakeholders in Germany on the issue of sustainable economy is greatly needed—particularly one that displays practitioners and scientific stakeholders separately. This web-based map created for the project, Scientific Co-ordination of Research Projects on a Sustainable Economy, is able to do exactly this! The overview lists around 200 initiatives, projects and institutions. Ecologic Institute is responsible for the concept, design, programming and content production management.

An important question for many people, not only those who have moved to a new city is: What are the projects, institutions and initiatives nearby which strive for a more sustainable economy? Since the landscape of these projects changes rapidly, it is hard to keep on track – even for insiders. Thus, an online map showing many of the relevant stakeholders in Germany is of a great use – even more so if practitioners and scientific stakeholders can also be displayed separately.

The online map by the project Scientific Coordination of Research Projects on a Sustainable Economy is able to do exactly this! This Overview lists around 200 initiatives, projects and institutions which are part of the 30 scientific projects, which are funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF).

All these projects show pathways for a more sustainable economy through research the in the fields mobility, sharing economy, eco tourism, food systems and (slow) fashion). Hence, the partners contributing to these heterogeneous projects show a high variation too. There are for example Institutes which deal with resource politics, but also initiatives which aim to support urban gardens or repair cafés.

For people who are rather interested in the 70 scientific partners: These partners can be easily selected by a tick box. As the 120 praxis partners, the scientific partners are also listed, showing there address and providing a link to there respective web page.

Map for the sharing economy:

The I-share project, which is one of the 30 research projects, offers additionally an online map ( which covers the sharing economy in Germany. In order to create a complete overview, the project team also calls for new entries. I-share defines “sharing economy” by these approaches:

  1. Local or regional initiatives and organisations which aim to promote the idea of “using instead of having” (such as car sharing, tool sharing, communal gardens etc.)
  2. Organisations and associations which organise the use of resources at many places (such as co-ops, networks of small enterprises etc.)
  3. Peer-to-Peer platforms, which work as an intermediary between providers and users without provided the goods themselves (such as co housing platforms or ridesharing platforms)
One map for practitioners and scientific stakeholders in Germany

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Concept: Dr. Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers, Christiane Gerstetter, Marius Hasenheit
Graphic design: Beáta Vargová
Programming: Sebastian Ossio

German Aerospace Center, DLR Bonn (DLR), Germany
Project ID
Green Economy, Environmental Sciences, Practitioners
Online Map