Arne Riedel, LLM
Rechtsanwalt (Lawyer)
Coordinator Ecologic Legal
Coordinator Arctic
Senior Fellow
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- Topics
Arne Riedel is a Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute and coordinates the Ecologic Legal team as well as the Institute's activities on Arctic issues. He works on Arctic Governance, the international climate negotiations, renewable energy law, the EU emissions trading system (ETS) and compliance with environmental law. Arne Riedel was admitted to the bar in Berlin (Germany) in 2012 and works in German and English.
At Ecologic Institute, Arne Riedel supports the Foreign Office in the negotiations under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement. He is a member of the Kyoto Protocol Compliance Committee (Enforcement Branch).
In several projects, Arne Riedel researches and works on Arctic governance, policy and literacy aspects. This includes topics like sustainble urban development in Arctic cities (DFG), the co-creation with Arctic rights holders (BMUV), the governance of marine protected areas in the Arctic (BfN), and the lighthouses of the EU Mission "Restore our ocean and waters by 2030" (EU Commission, DG RTD). Previously, he was the Arctic focal point for a project on Ocean literacy (EU Commission, DG Mare), which sparked the development of the podcast "If Oceans Could Speak", and he led the development of "Environmental Guidelines for a German Arctic Policy", and the WWF Arctic Council Conservation Scorecards.
Between 2012 and 2020, Arne Riedel provided the BMUV and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs, Energy and Climate (BMWK) with legal expertise in the areas of renewable energies and the German energy transition (the "Energiewende"). He also coordinated the frontrunner municipalities on climate action ("masterplan municipalities") for the BMU from 2012 to 2015.
Arne Riedel previously worked for the Chair for Public and Administrative Law at the Freie Universität Berlin (FU Berlin, Germany) in the areas of building and planning law and worked as a legal trainee also at Ecologic Institute US in Washington, DC.
Arne Riedel completed his legal studies in 2007 at the FU Berlin, focusing on public law, and was awarded a Master of Laws (LLM) in European Law with distinction from the University of Nottingham (United Kingdom) in 2009. His Master's thesis dealt with the EU ETS, its impact on the Common Market and its post-2012 evolution.
Contact Arne Riedel, LLM by Email
Selected projects by Arne Riedel, LLM
Sustainable Urban Development in the European Arctic (SUDEA)
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German Development Institute (DIE), Germany
Pan-Arctic Network of Marine Protected Areas (Ark-MPA)
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Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), Germany
The EU4Ocean Coalition for Ocean Literacy
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European Commission Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG Maritime Affairs and Fisherie), International
Implementation of Lighthouses of Mission 'Restore our oceans and waters by 2030'
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European Commission, Directorate-General Research & Innovation (DG Research & Innovation), International
Ethics Advisor for the "Arctic Research Icebreaker Consortium" (ARICE)
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Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Germany
WWF Arctic Council Conservation Scorecard II – 2019 edition
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World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF), Canada
Environmental Guidelines for a German Arctic Policy
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German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany
Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment of Development of the Arctic
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European Commission, Directorate-General Environment (DG Environment), International
Climate Negotiations
Legal and Institutional Aspects of the Future Climate Regime
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Governance Arrangements for the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples (LCIP) Platform
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Ministry of the Environment, Finland Nordic Council of Ministers, International
Energy Law
Analysis and Structuring of the Comprehensive Energy Law for the Electricity Sector
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Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), Germany
Municipal Climate Protection
Strategic Development of the National Climate Initiative
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Selected publications by Arne Riedel, LLM
Wissenschaftlicher Begleitkreis Mare:N "Forschungsagenda Polarregionen im Wandel" (Ed.) 2021: Forschungsagenda Polarregionen im Wandel. Konzeptpapier des Mare:N-Begleitkreises.
Riedel, A., Bach, I., Abhold, K., Hoffmann, H., Stephen, K., Schopmans, H., 2020: Ökologisch nachhaltige Nutzung mit hohen Umweltstandards in der Arktis – Umweltleitlinien deutscher Arktispolitik. Abschlussbericht. Umweltbundesamt, Dessau-Roßlau.
O'Donnell, Brendan; Max Gruenig; Arne Riedel (Eds.) 2018: Arctic Summer College Yearbook. An Interdisciplinary Look into Arctic Sustainable Development. 1st ed. Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
Tedsen, Elizabeth, Sandra Cavalieri, and R. Andreas Kraemer (eds.) 2014: Arctic Marine Governance. Opportunities for Transatlantic Cooperation. Heidelberg: Springer.
Tedsen Elizabeth, Arne Riedel, Katherine Weingartner, Roberto Azzolini, Frederic Guillon, Simona Longo, Corrado Leone, Outi Paadar, Anastasia Leonenko (2014): Gap Analysis Report. Preparatory Action, Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment of development of the Arctic. Arctic Centre, University of Lapland.
Climate Negotiations
Bodle, Ralph; Arne Riedel and Camilla Bausch 2023: Der Klimagipfel von Sharm El-Sheikh: Fortschritt und Stillstand. In: KlimR, Issue 1 (2023), pp. 2 - 6.
IEEP 2021: COP26: Overview and Main Outcomes. A Think Sustainable Europe Podcast. 10 December 2021. Online: https://youtu.be/j4fIRrkX1Uc.
Riedel, Arne and Ralph Bodle 2018: Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform – potential governance arrangements under the Paris Agreement. Nordic Council of Ministers: Copenhagen.
Selected events by Arne Riedel, LLM
Workshop:Designing Ocean Literacy Action in Europe – EU4Ocean workshop
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Digital Event:Arctic Marine Conservation Dialogue 2021
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Workshop:Arctic Marine Conservation Dialogue 2020
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- online