COP26: Overview and Main Outcomes
A Think Sustainable Europe Podcast
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IEEP 2021: COP26: Overview and Main Outcomes. A Think Sustainable Europe Podcast. 10 December 2021. Online: https://youtu.be/j4fIRrkX1Uc.
The climate negotiations at COP26 in Glasgow closed on 13 November 2021 and its outcomes were received with a range between careful optimism and disapppointment on the little progress. Three experts of the European network of think tanks "Think Sustainable Europe" are discussing the main outcomes of the COP in a new podcast format.
Following the invitation of the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP), one of Ecologic Institute's climate negotiation experts, Arne Riedel, joined Michael Nicholson (IEEP) and Philip Glas (IISD) for the exchange. They talked about the differing expectations for COP26, the political pledges made at the meeting as well as a potential financial facility to support the most affected countries with climate-change induced "loss and damage".