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Ethics Advisor for the "Arctic Research Icebreaker Consortium" (ARICE)

Ethics Advisor for the "Arctic Research Icebreaker Consortium" (ARICE)


Ecologic Institute supports the Horizon 2020 project "Arctic Research Icebreaker Consortium" (ARICE) with Arne Riedel as an Ethics advisor. His role includes inter alia

  • giving advice on specific ethical issues that could occur in research projects to be conducted on the research icebreakers;
  • assessing cruise reports to confirm that H2020 ethical rules have been implemented;
  • participating in the project's Scientific Liaison Panel (without voting rights);
  • giving recommendations on ethical issues that might concern the project directly

The ARICE project brings together a team of 15 partners from 13 different countries from Europe, USA and Canada. The main objective of this four-year project is to improve the capacities for marine-based research in the ice-covered Arctic Ocean. A central aim of ARICE is to provide transnational access for European and non-European researchers, including their partners from industry, to a set of six international research icebreakers:

  • PRV Polarstern, Germany
  • IB Oden, Sweden
  • RV Kronprins Haakon, Norway
  • MSV Fennica, Finland
  • CCGS Amundsen, Canada
  • RV Sikuliaq, United States of America


Project ID
Ethics, Horizon 2020, Ice breaker
Arctic, Canada, Finland, Germany, Norway, Sweden, USA
Legal Analysis, Desktop Research