Dr Ralph Bodle, Arne Riedel and Dr Stephan Sina from Ecologic Institute's Legal Team are among the authors of the comprehensive legal commentary on climate change law (BeckOK Klimarecht), which was published by C. H. Beck on their online platform in December 2024. The commentary is edited by Prof Ekkehard Hofmann and Dr Franziska Heß and is the first to cover climate-related laws and treaties at international, European and national level.
- Dr Ralph Bodle provides an in-depth legal analysis of the provisions on climate finance in Art. 9 of the Paris Climate Agreement (PA) as well as Art. 4.3 and 4.4 of the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the financial mechanism in Art. 11 UNFCCC and, together with Arne Riedel, Art. 10 PA (technology transfer).
- Arne Riedel examines on Art. 12 (Action for Climate Empowerment) and Art. 15 (Compliance Mechanism) of the Paris Agreement and, together with Ralph Bodle, on Art. 11 PA (Capacity Building).
- Dr Stephan Sina analyses sections 11-12 of the Federal Climate Change Act (KSG) on the Council of Experts on Climate Change and Section 14 KSG on Federation-Länder cooperation.
Further information on BeckOK Klimarecht can be found on the beck-online website.