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A Taste of the Future of the Seas

Science Sips am 30. März 2017 ©jfrcreatives

A Taste of the Future of the Seas


The Project "A Taste of the Future of the Seas" brings scientific insights about sustainable use and protection of oceans to the public with an interactive series of events held at the Museum for Natural History in Berlin. Three dialogue-oriented and action-packed formats offered the opportunity to learn about advances and challenges in sustainable marine science – and motivated participants through fun, sensory experiences to act and consume consciously.


Our oceans and their biodiversity are increasingly influenced by anthropogenic activities. Oceans and seas are an essential food source for roughly a billion people globally. Though it is of utmost importance to use this resource sustainably, the devastation of the seas through pollution, overfishing, illegal fishing and climate change irreversibly harms vital functions and food networks. Several of these issues are linked to consumer behaviour, but the large majority of consumers remain unaware of their impact due to the complexity of the problem.


The Project "A Taste of the Future of the Seas" ("Ein Geschmack der Zukunft der Meere") presented scientific findings on sustainable use and protection of oceans to a broad audience through interactive and fun events. Participants learned about the advances and challenges in sustainable marine science while simultaneously being animated to actively participate in sustainable change and consumption.

The following interactive events took place at the Museum for Natural History in Berlin:

  • The event series "Science Sips"  featured short, energetic presentations on different topics on marine science and gave participants the chance to enjoy snacks and drinks from sustainable seafood
  • The special theme day on "A Taste of the Future of the Seas" was dedicated to teaching families and young adults about marine science and sustainable consumption through special tours, interactive exhibits, sustainable seafood snacks, and more
  • Additionally, the information booth "Future Fish" accompanied all events and helped participants make a connection between scientific findings and sustainable consumption in their own lives

The project was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the Science Year 2016*2017 – Seas and Oceans.

Ecologic Institute and "A Taste of the Future of the Seas"

Ecologic Institute was responsible for project coordination. Within the project, Ecologic Institute was the lead partner for the event series "Science Sips" and the information booth "Future Fish" in regards to planning, execution, follow-up and content development, as well as moderation of these events. Ecologic Institute supported the Museum for Natural History in communication, as well as in development and supervision of an activity booth and catering for the special theme day.

All project events took place in German.


More content from this project

Keighley McFarland
Stephanie Wunder
Karl Lehmann
Lina Röschel
Beáta Welk Vargová
Project ID
sustainable consumption, fishing, ocean conservation, overfishing, biodiversity protection, fishery policy
Germany, Europe, oceans, seas