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Science Sips on Sustainability in the Science Year 2016*17 – Seas and Oceans

Science Sips on Sustainability in the Science Year 2016*17 – Seas and Oceans

Berlin, Germany

Ever tried bycatch curry, or discussed ocean sustainability while sipping seaweed cocktails? Participants of the first Science Sips event got to experience exactly that on 30 March 2017 while sitting across the impressive dinosaur fossils exhibited at the Berlin Museum for Natural History.

Oceans and seas are an essential food source for roughly a billion people globally, but their sustainable use remains a challenge. Pollution, overfishing, illegal fishing and climate change irreversibly harm the oceans' vital functions and food networks.

The project "Taste of the Future of the Seas" is part of the Science Year 2016*17 – Seas and Oceans, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research, and addresses the challenges and opportunities for sustainable use of marine ecosystems. The event series "Science Sips" is part of the project and features engaging evenings on the science of ocean sustainability.

At the first of altogether four Science Sips events, three experts gave short, energetic presentations on different topics on marine science, which were followed by an interactive and engaging discussion round. Participants got to enjoy street food and drinks made from sustainable seafood, like bycatch curry and seaweed cocktails. This Science Sips addressed such issues as the impact of fisheries on ocean conservation and the achievability of sustainable seafood consumption.

Talks were given by Ina Krüger, expert for ocean policy at Ecologic Institute; Dr. Christopher Zimmermann, head of the Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries; and Dr. Manja Voß, expert for marine mammals at the Berlin Museum of Natural History. The evening was moderated by the director of Ecologic Institute, Dr. Camilla Bausch.

Culinary partners Küstlichkeiten and Bone.Berlin served street food snacks made from sustainable seafood that inspired the participants to integrate lessons-learned into their own lifestyle.

The next Science Sips takes place 28 April 2017 at the Berlin Museum for Natural History.

All events in the project "Taste of the Future of the Seas" are in German.


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Keighley McFarland
Lina Röschel
Berlin, Germany
Project ID
sustainability, ocean conservation, biodiversity, consumption, fish