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European Adaptation Newsletter

1. Europäischer Newsletter zu Klimaanpassung

European Adaptation Newsletter


Martinez, Grit; Katriona McGlade and Andrew Reid 2013: European Adaptation Newsletter. Newsletter. Berlin: Ecologic Institute.

The electronic newsletter, published in English, includes stories on the latest findings of the BASE project (Bottom-Up Adaptation Strategies towards a Sustainable Europe), along with information on other key developments related to climate change adaptation in Europe. Furthermore, the newsletter includes a number of recurring features. These include the 'Adaptation Dialogues', chronicling the perspectives and experiences of local level stakeholders implementing adaptation activities, as well as the 'Adaptation Snapshots', images from around Europe of adaptation in action. The first issue of the 'European Adaptation Newsletter' is available online. Subscription to the twice-yearly newsletter is possible at the BASE website.

The first issue of the 'European Adaptation Newsletter' is a product of the EU funded FP7 research project BASE (Bottom-Up Adaptation Strategies Towards A Sustainable Europe). The BASE project supports action for sustainable climate change adaptation in Europe. BASE makes experiential and scientific information on adaptation meaningful, transferable and easily accessible to decision-makers at all levels. The BASE European Adaptation Newsletter is compiled by Ecologic Institute, Berlin.

The latest findings of the BASE project, along with information on other key developments related to climate change adaptation in Europe


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adaptation, climate change, sustainability, stakeholder engagement, policy effectiveness, policy integration, bottom-up, top-down, environmental governance
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