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Analysis of Adaptation Projects

Analysis of Adaptation Projects


The goal of the project is to record the adaptation measures implemented in Germany up to this point and to evaluate the experiences gained from these. To that end, Ecologic Institute has developed an internet-based databank of measures, through which those interested can document their own measures and be informed on others' measures. A competition will also be conducted to determine particularly exemplary adaptation measures and to make this information known to a wider audience.

Over the past few years, it has become clear that climate change adaptation constitutes not only a challenge for the coming decades but also affects us in the here and now. In December 2008, the German government presented the German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change, an appraisal of the challenges and incipient adaptation strategies in various fields of action. Based on this, an Adaptation Action Plan is now being developed that will serve as the framework for further national measures. The Action Plan will also address steps of other stakeholders toward adaptation, e.g. states, municipalities and companies, in order to dovetail these as effectively as possible with the German government's activities.

Adaptation activities below the national level are the main focus of the project "Analysis of Adaptation Projects," which is conducted by Ecologic Institute on behalf of the Competence Centre on Climate Impacts and Adaptation (KomPass) of the German Federal Environment Agency. Whether it concerns flood prevention, climate friendly air conditioning or "green rooves," there are numerous projects and measures that have been initiated independently of each other in the new field of "climate adaptation." The KomPass database for climate change adaptation measures was established to serve as a platform to document and evaluate such activities. Here, those implementing measures can enter their own measures and be inspired by others' activities. Simultaneously, a competition for particularly exemplary measures, aimed especially at local and regional administrations, companies and associations, was launched. A selection of successful examples of adaptation will subsequently be documented in a brochure intended for a wider public.

Another element of the project is the consultation of the German Federal Environment Agency on the development of the "Adaptation Action Plan" of the German government. Here the main goal is to set criteria to determine priorities for adaptation measures at the federal level and to test the practicability of these criteria with concrete examples.


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Daniel Blobel
Dr. Darla N. Nickel
Susanne Müller
Stefanie Wurm
Benjamin Beckers
Project ID
Adaptation, climate change, adaptation measures, adaptation projects
Europe, Germany