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Overview of Accessibility of the Climate Change Adaptation Finance Data in Europe

Cover of the EEA report "Overview of Accessibility of the Climate Change Adaptation Finance Data in Europe"

© European Environmental Agency 2021

Overview of Accessibility of the Climate Change Adaptation Finance Data in Europe


Kempa, Laura et al. 2021: Overview of Accessibility of the Climate Change Adaptation Finance Data in Europe. Final Report. Ramboll Management Consulting, Ecologic Institute, Frankfurt School: Brussels, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main.

The report, prepared for the European Environment Agency, examines the availability and accessibility of data on the financing of climate adaptation measures in Europe. The aim is to develop an in-depth understanding of the challenges and existing practices in collecting and analyzing this data in order to promote effective adaptation strategies.

Methodological approaches to data collection

The report describes in detail the methodological framework developed for the collection of data on adaptation finance. Central to this is the introduction of a simple classification matrix that helps to systematically capture the different categories of adjustment finance such as investment needs, actual expenditure and planned expenditure. In addition, the application of the EU Taxonomy Regulation is explained, which serves as an important instrument for classifying and standardizing investments in sustainable economic activities.

Analysis of the costs and benefits of adaptation measures

The report goes into detail on the different types of adaptation costs identified in the literature. It explains how these types of costs are applicable to different adaptation actions and what relevance they have at national and European level. In addition, the associated economic benefits of adaptation actions compared to the costs of inaction are analyzed. This detailed consideration supports the development of a methodological basis for the evaluation and categorization of adaptation measures.

Conclusions and recommendations

In conclusion, the report offers concrete recommendations for methodological improvements and the need for regular monitoring of adaptation finance. These measures should help to make the integration and assessment of adaptation measures in Europe more efficient and ultimately promote a more robust adaptation strategy based on reliable, comprehensive financial data.

Introduction to the availability of financial data on climate adaptation in Europe


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Laura Kempa
Sebasitan Rink
Ghislain Dubois
Matteo Cassinelli
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65 pp.
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Climate change adaptation, financing strategies, sustainable investments, EU climate policy, adaptation strategies, climate risk management, environmental sustainability, public climate finance, EU environmental strategy, green finance
Europe, France, Czech Republic, Germany