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Accessibility of the Climate Change Adaptation Finance Data in Europe

Flood protection example in Saxony-Anhalt (Germany)


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Accessibility of the Climate Change Adaptation Finance Data in Europe


Ecologic Institute, in collaboration with the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management and Ramboll Consulting, implemented the project "Accessibility of the Climate Change Adaptation Finance Data in Europe" for the European Environment Agency (EEA).

The objective of this project was to create a succinct package of information consisting of (1) a literature review, and (2) responses from a questionnaire collecting national adaptation finance information.

In a first phase, the literature review aimed to develop a methodological framework for the subsequent collection of information on national adaptation finance. This literature review assessed the state-of-play of domestic adaptation finance in EEA countries, as well as the different types of costs distinguished, their applicability for different adaptation actions, and their applicability at the national and European levels.

In the next phase, the team developed a questionnaire to help gain an understanding of the availability of adaptation finance data. This questionnaire was then distributed to EEA national focal points and national reference centres on climate impacts and adaptation. The development of the questionnaire was supported through preliminary interviews with representatives from France, Germany, and Czechia, who provided insight on how adaptation finance was tracked and used in their countries. A total of 19 countries responded to the questionnaire, providing an overview of adaptation finance information from their respective National Adaptation Strategy or National Adaptation Plan.

Finally, the team prepared a brief overview of different types of costs and benefits of adaptation actions. The focus here was on summarizing methodological and practical developments in understanding costs and benefits of adaptation related to: types of costs of adaptation, ancillary benefits of adaptation, and the efficiency of adaptation measures versus the cost of inaction.

Ecologic Institute contributed to all tasks and led the work on ancillary benefits of adaptation.


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Project ID
questionnaire, literature review