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The Impacts of Climate Change in Germany

© Canva 2024

The Impacts of Climate Change in Germany

Research and Visualization


Communicating the impacts of the climate crisis can be abstract and complex, as it is difficult to directly relate our actions today to the long-term consequences that could emerge in the future. As the climate and biodiversity crises progress, we are beginning to feel their devastating effects. Many are struggling to grasp the scale, which contributes to the slow pace of development and progress in climate change mitigation and conservation.

This project for The Nature And Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) aims to convey in an effective and accessible way that our actions today have an impact on the future, especially on nature and the livelihoods of future generations. Through carefully designed visualizations that are based on scientific research, we want to show how the climate crisis is affecting nature and the German landscape, and how climate protection and adaptation can prevent damage, mitigate the effects of the biodiversity crisis and ultimately improve our lives.

With this project, we want to contribute to positive visions and initiate productive discussions with motivating images. During the project, Ecologic Institute will conduct a literature review of the latest research on climate change impacts and conceptualize and implement visualizations of both a negative and a positive future scenario for Germany. The focus will lie on the positive vision – showing motivating examples and effects of climate mitigation and adaptation efforts.


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Lena Meret Stüdeli
Project ID
literature review, concept, visualization