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Curriculum for Offshore Course, Guideline, and Learning Manual

Cover of the 'Deliverable 7.3: Curriculum for offshore course, guideline, and learning manual' dated April 30th, 2021.

© UNITED project

Curriculum for Offshore Course, Guideline, and Learning Manual


Nevejan, Nancy et al. 2021: Curriculum for offshore course, guideline, and learning manual. Deliverable 7.3 of the Horizon 2020 project "Multi-use Offshore Platforms Demonstrators for Boosting Cost-effective and Eco-friendly Production in Sustainable Marine Activities" (UNITED).

The report addresses training and capacity building to ensure safe and efficient ocean multi-use operations, with a focus on societal engagement and educational objectives.

Training Program Curriculum

An educational program is crucial for recruiting skilled personnel for ongoing and future developments in multi-purpose industries. The curriculum presented provides details on facilities and infrastructure (including instructors and requirements for participants), methods and teaching concepts for training, training modules, and learning materials.

Key Training Modules

Training modules cover general aspects of offshore platform operation, environmental regulations, biology of target species, aquaculture technology, handling procedures, land-based support systems, stakeholder engagement, and legislation for special support boats across all pilot projects. Documentation also provides a description of practical implementation of the learning materials.

Developing offshore training: A new training concept prepares specialists for the multidisciplinary requirements in the marine sectors.


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Nancy Nevejan, Eva Strothotte, Annelies Declercq, Thomas Kerkhove, Ioanna Drigkopoulou, Frank Maes, Ivana Lukic, Maria Jaeger, Tim Staufenberger, Roderik Hoekstra, Youssef Zaiter, Manon Berge
23 pp.
Project ID
Table of contents
Multi-use, regulations and legal requirements, offshore health and safety regulations, types of offshore aquaculture facilities, environmental regulations and offshore aquaculture, impact of offshore conditions on aquaculture performance
North Sea, Baltic Sea, Mediterranean Sea
Education, training, offshore training, knowledge sharing, cognitive skills and psychomotor learning, online knowledge tests