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German Pilot

Cover page of the 'M3.1 BUSINESS BRIEFS - German PILOT' document with a top-down view of a marine vessel. A person in a red safety suit is climbing a yellow ladder, symbolizing active marine operations. The bottom section invites readers to 'Visit United website' and lists authors Manuel Lago - ECOLOGIC, Youssef Zaiter - ACTeon, and editor Ivana Lukic from Submariner Network for Blue Growth EWIV.

© UNITED project

German Pilot

Business Brief


Lago, Manuel and Youssef Zaiter 2023: German Pilot. M3.1 Business Brief of the Horizon 2020 project "Multi-use Offshore Platforms Demonstrators for Boosting Cost-effective and Eco-friendly Production in Sustainable Marine Activities" (UNITED).

The pilot project in the German North Sea explores the possibilities of multi-use in the North Sea, in particular the combination of offshore wind energy and aquaculture, in order to explore new ways of using the sea sustainably. The project objectives are to develop, operate and evaluate an offshore demonstration aquaculture farm with mussels and macroalgae at the FINO3 research platform.

Legal and environmental factors: Challenges and opportunities

This UNITED project business brief discusses the legal framework and environmental impacts of the project, including the laws and regulations that apply to offshore installations in the German Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The high level of technology maturity and the specific legal requirements in Germany form the basis for the implementation of the project and demonstrate the complexity of offshore activities.

Economic perspectives and SWOT analysis

A comprehensive business analysis, including the application of the Business Model Canvas method and a SWOT analysis, sheds light on the economic prospects of the project. Possible synergies and cost savings that could result from the combination of offshore wind energy and aquaculture are discussed, as well as the challenges and opportunities arising from this multi-use configuration.

Combining offshore wind energy and aquaculture: a project in the German North Sea


More content from this project

Youssef Zaiter (ACTeon)
6 pp.
Project ID
Offshore aquaculture, FINO3 research platform, mussels, macroalgae, offshore wind energy, German exclusive economic zone, multi-use concepts
Germany, Sylt, North Sea
Business model canvas, SWOT analysis, business model canvas, SWOT analysis