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Greek Pilot

Cover page of the 'M3.1 BUSINESS BRIEFS - GREEK PILOT' document with a top-down view of a marine vessel. A person in a red safety suit is climbing a yellow ladder, symbolizing active marine operations. The bottom section invites readers to 'Visit United website' and lists authors Manuel Lago - ECOLOGIC, Youssef Zaiter - ACTeon, and editor Ivana Lukic from Submariner Network for Blue Growth EWIV.

© UNITED project

Greek Pilot

Business Brief


Lago, Manuel and Youssef Zaiter 2023: Greek Pilot. M3.1 Business Brief of the Horizon 2020 project "Multi-use Offshore Platforms Demonstrators for Boosting Cost-effective and Eco-friendly Production in Sustainable Marine Activities" (UNITED).

The pilot project in the Greek Aegean deals with the combination of aquaculture and tourism. The aim is to integrate an aquaculture farm into diving tours in order to turn the farm into a tourist attraction and reduce local opposition to aquaculture. It is located near Cape Sounio, Attiki, Greece.

Legal and environmental factors: Challenges and opportunities

This business brief of the UNITED project discusses the legal framework and environmental impacts of the project. Legal uncertainties, particularly in relation to marine protection, permitting and marine spatial planning are highlighted. Environmental factors, such as the impact of aquaculture on water quality and biodiversity, as well as the impact of climate change on both activities, are also considered.

Economic perspectives and SWOT analysis

A comprehensive economic analysis, including a SWOT analysis, highlights the financial potential and challenges of the project and offers recommendations for the future. Strengths include the well-established partners and their attractive services, while weaknesses include legal uncertainties and dependence on local and global economic conditions. Opportunities lie in cost savings and the development of new activities, while uncertainties in legislation and the impact of the coronavirus are seen as threats.

Combining aquaculture and tourism: a project in the Greek Aegean Sea


More content from this project

Youssef Zaiter (ACTeon)
6 pp.
Project ID
Aquaculture, diving tourism, technology maturity, Greek marine spatial planning, climate change, water quality, biodiversity, coronavirus, legal uncertainties
Cape Sounio, Attiki, Greece, Aegean Sea
SWOT analysis, environmental characterization, technology readiness level (TRL) assessment, legal analysis