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Eckpunkte zur Entwicklung einer Klimaaußenpolitikstrategie Deutschlands


© Ariadne project

Eckpunkte zur Entwicklung einer Klimaaußenpolitikstrategie Deutschlands



Christian Flachsland, Jan Steckel, Michael Jakob, Ulrich Fahl, Marian Feist, Benjamin Görlach, Ann-Kathrin Kühner, Dennis Tänzler, Marie Zeller (2023): Eckpunkte zur Entwicklung einer Klimaaußenpolitikstrategie Deutschlands. Kopernikus-Projekt Ariadne, Potsdam.

A coherent German foreign climate policy is essential for the success of the national and European energy transition, as well as for the effective support of ambitious climate policies outside the European Union. This Ariadne background paper provides cornerstones and discusses options for the elaboration and further development of Germany's foreign climate policy. To this end, it distinguishes four categories of relevant goals: traditional climate policy goals, industrial policy goals, security and trade policy goals, and broader foreign policy goals. For each goal, it is necessary to identify appropriate means by which it can be achieved and barriers that stand in its way and need to be considered accordingly.

When these goals conflict or compete for limited resources, goals need to be prioritised. The paper outlines an analytical framework for this and discusses possible options for overall strategic direction. These include, on the one hand, overall foreign policy strategies vis-à-vis all other countries, and on the other hand strategies directed at specific states. Strategies can be placed on a continuum from maximum prioritisation of climate goals (climate policy first) to subordinate treatment (climate policy as a means to an end) and designed accordingly.

Germany needs a coherent climate foreign policy – to allow the national and European energy transition to succeed, and to support countries outside the European Union in their climate policy ambitions.


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Dr. Michael Jakob
Christian Flachsland (Hertie School)
Jan Steckel (Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change)
Ulrich Fahl (Universität Stuttgart)
Marian Feist (Hertie School)
Ann-Kathrin Kühner (Hertie School)
Dennis Tänzler (adelphi)
Marie Zeller (Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change)
38 pp.
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