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Charting a Path to Net Zero: Country specific information

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© Ecologic Institute

Charting a Path to Net Zero: Country specific information


Velten, Eike Karola and Deyana Spasova 2023: Charting a path to net zero: Country specific information. Berlin: Ecologic Institute.

All EU Member States are required to develop a national long-term climate strategy outlining targets and actions towards 2050, according to the EU Governance Regulation. Ecologic Institute carried out a cross-country analysis of the 22 national long-term strategies, available at the time of writing of the main report in March 2022. The analysis focuses on the vision for a climate neutral future, presented in the strategies, as well as the documents’ relevance in national climate policy.

This document provides country specific information on key elements from the 22 national long-term climate strategies extracted for the cross-country analysis in table format. It allows for selection of specific criteria as well as for the selection of specific countries.


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National long-term strategies, LTS, governance, planning, net-zero, climate neutrality, elements for climate neutrality, long-term vision, relevance, NECPs, National Energy and Climate Plans, EU Member States
Qualitative and quantitative assessment: assessment matrix with qualitative and quantitative input request and partly predefined answers, calculations of GHG emission reductions, expert interviews; country-specific information, country sheets