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Enhancing LTS Relevance for Net-zero

Enhancing LTS relevance for net-zero.

Enhancing LTS relevance for net-zero.


© Ecologic Institute 2022

Enhancing LTS Relevance for Net-zero


Ecologic Institute and Noble Studio 2022: Enhancing LTS relevance for net-zero. Infographic. In: Velten, Eike Karola et al.: Charting a path to net zero: An assessment of national long-term strategies in the EU.

This infographic visualizes the proposed three-step process (preparation, implementation, monitoring) for EU member states to strengthen LTS relevance for net-zero. It's part of the report "Charting a Path to Net Zero. An assessment of national long-term strategies in the EU." The report presents the findings from an assessment of 22 long-term strategies (LTSs) of the EU Member States available as of March 2022. It is complemented by a briefing that summarizes the key findings and recommendations.

The infographic has been developed by Ecologic Institute and Noble Studio on behalf of the European Climate Foundation.


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Contents: Eike Karola Velten, Matthias Duwe (Ecologic Institute)

Concept and graphic design: Noble Studio

Published in
Charting a Path to Net Zero. An assessment of national long-term strategies in the EU
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Project ID
National long-term strategies, LTS, governance, planning, net-zero, climate neutrality, elements for climate neutrality, long-term vision, relevance, NECPs, National Energy and Climate Plans, EU Member States