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Challenges and Needs of Climate Change Adaptation Experts – Poster Series

Country-specific illustrative stories of Climate-ADAPT use Bulgaria | Solutions for adaptation to climate change in the agriculture sector

© Climate ADAPT project


Challenges and Needs of Climate Change Adaptation Experts – Poster Series

in a Storytelling Format


Ecologic Institute 2022: Country-specific, illustrative stories of Climate-ADAPT use. Poster series.


Ecologic Institute developed the stories of Zornitza, Piotr, Alexandru, Beata and Ana to illustrate the different challenges and needs of climate change adaptation experts in a storytelling format. They show how these experts find specific data and information sets on Climate-ADAPT to assess climate change risks, develop policies and plans, adaptation solutions including using green infrastructure options. The stories show how the characters use Climate-ADAPT in a basic way, by following clear steps or using alternative options.

Every person, dealing with adaptation to climate change, can look for and share information on Climate-ADAPT, from policymakers to climate change adaptation experts, also working in the private sector, practitioners, and many more. The platform is easy to use and allows users to search for relevant information by applying several options.

Climate-ADAPT provides information relevant to climate change adaptation in Europe. The information is quality-checked, complementary to national-level information, and can be used across all regions and economic sectors of the EU. The platform is based on contribution of information providers who decide to share their adaptation knowledge and experience with others in Europe.

Country-specific and illustrative stories of Climate-ADAPT use


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Concept: Chiara Mazzetti (Ecologic Institute)

Design and layout: Lena Aebli (Ecologic Institute)

5 Posters
Project ID
Europe, Bulgaria, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania
illustrative story, persona