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Transformative Climate Policies

Cover of the 4i-TRACTION report "Transformative climate policies: a conceptual framing of the 4i’s"

© Ecologic Institute

Transformative Climate Policies

A conceptual framing of the 4i's


Görlach, Benjamin, Anuschka Hilke, Bettina Kampmann, Kati Kulovesi, Brendan Moore and Tomas Wyns (2022): Transformative climate policies: a conceptual framing of the 4i’s. 4i-TRACTION Deliverable D 1.1. Ecologic Institute; Berlin

What makes climate policy transformative? This report sets out the conceptual framing of transformation and transformative climate policies taken in the 4i-TRACTION project. The 4i-TRACTION project, led by Ecologic Institute, analyses what transformative climate policy could look like for the EU.  

Transformative EU climate policy needs to address the challenge of transforming the European Union to climate neutrality in its entirety – across all sectors, addressing all its technological, economic, political and social implications. The report sets out four 'hallmarks' that distinguish a transformative approach to climate policy, namely:

  • Thinking back from the end
  • Overcoming path-dependencies
  • Developing transformational institutions
  • Fostering sectoral and technical integration

The report then discusses the four cross-cutting challenges, which EU climate policy needs to address as key vectors for the transformation to climate neutrality – the 4 i's central to the 4i-TRACTION project:

  • Stimulating innovation to transform the material base of the EU economy
  • Rolling out the necessary infrastructure for a resilient, climate-neutral economy
  • Shifting investment and finance
  • Achieving integration of policies and technologies across sectors

These four key challenges guide the 4i-TRACTION project in its entirety and serve as lenses to grasp and foster transformation in EU climate policymaking.

The report is available for download.

4i-TRACTION is a Horizon2020 project led by Ecologic Institute. It brings together nine partners from seven European countries to analyse what transformative EU climate policy could look like. Find out more about the project and its outputs here.


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Anuschka Hilke
Bettina Kampmann
Kati Kulovesi
Brendan Moore
Tomas Wyns

The authors would like to thank Matthias Duwe and Andrew Jordan for a thorough review of this report, and Anthony Cox, Maarten de Vries, Jonathan Gardiner, Leon Martini, Sebastian Oberthür and Ingmar von Homeyer for helpful contributions and comments at various stages.

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49 pp.
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