MinFuture Guidance Documentation for Dissemination and Communication
MinFuture Guidance Documentation for Dissemination and Communication
- Publication
- Citation
Kemper, Melanie, Chiara Mazzetti 2017: MinFuture Guidance documentation for dissemination and communication, D6.2. Berlin, unpublished.
Kemper, Melanie, Chiara Mazzetti 2017: MinFuture Guidance documentation for dissemination and communication, D6.2. Berlin, unpublished.
- Language
- Authorship
- Funding
European Commission, Directorate-General Research & Innovation (DG Research & Innovation), International - Year
- Dimension
- 25 pp.
- Project
- Project ID
- Keywords
natural resources exploration and exploitation, industrial waste, international trade, global material flows and supply, material flows and stocks, mineral strategies, system analysis, waste, primary and secondary resources, resource classification, demand and supply forecasting, foresight / forecast, material flows analysis, system analysis, demand and supply forecastingglobal, Europewebsite, online, platform, news, results, events, dissemination, communication, social media, Twitter
ProjectHorizon 2020Global Material Flows and Demand-supply Forecasting for Mineral Strategies (MinFuture)
Global demand for minerals is growing rapidly, driven by rapid population growth, urbanisation and an increasingly diverse range of technical applications. Global material supply chains linking the extraction, transport and processing stages of raw materials have become... Read more
Global Material Flows and Demand-supply Forecasting for Mineral Strategies (MinFuture)
- Duration
- Funding
European Commission, Directorate-General Research & Innovation (DG Research & Innovation), International
PublicationWebsiteGlobal Material Flows and Demand-supply Forecasting for Mineral Strategies (MinFuture) – Website
The MinFuture website provides an overview of the project objectives, structure and partners as well as events and news related to relevant issues of the project. Furthermore, project outputs such as deliverables, policy briefs and publications are regularly promoted on... Read more
MinFuture Consortium 2017: Global Material Flows and Demand-supply Forecasting for Mineral Strategies (MinFuture). URL: http://minfuture.eu/