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Plastic Regulation – Who is responsible?

| © Kati Bachnik

Plastic Regulation – Who is responsible?

Berlin, Germany

There are numerous regulatory approaches for handling plastic products and plastic waste in various areas such as waste and recycling policy, marine protection or chemicals policy. During the workshop, Linda Mederake gave an insight into existing plastic regulations and initiatives at the international, European and national levels to reduce the amount of plastics entering the environment. She critically discussed what stages in the life cycle of plastics are targeted by political solutions and she also highlighted regulatory gaps.

Subsequently, small groups discussed individual aspects of the issue, among them: Would an international plastics convention be desirable and what specific opportunities would it offer? What are the possibilities for avoiding plastics at the municipal level? How strong is the impact of consumer choices?

The workshop took place as part of the annual conference of former scholarship holders of the Heinrich Böll Foundation on 7 September 2019 in Berlin.

Existing regulatory approaches lack quantified objectives and targets, the effectiveness of agreements is poorly monitored and not all aspects of the plastic problem are sufficiently covered at present.


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