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Federal and Regional Governments in Dialogue on Sustainable Food Systems

Nawiko Workshop

Federal and Regional Governments in Dialogue on Sustainable Food Systems

Berlin, Germany

On 17 June 2019 the workshop "Federal and regional governments in dialogue on sustainable food systems. From individual projects to a holistic strategy?" took place at the EUREF Campus in Berlin with 30 participants. The aim of the event was to discuss how strategies could be developed that not only address the topic of sustainable nutrition in a politically comprehensive way, but which are also based on the numerous good individual initiatives and projects at the federal and regional level.

In the implementation of nutrition projects, there are numerous synergies between the various sub-themes (healthy nutrition, food waste, environmentally friendly food production) and other thematic areas (education and training, animal welfare, improvement of communal catering, consumer protection, urban development and culture). The interactive workshop focused on how to tap into many of these synergies.

Building on the political options for action identified in the NaWi projects, the morning sessions presented success stories from the REFOWAS and NAHGAST projects and the presented work from Baden-Wuerttemberg, Berlin and Bavaria; the afternoon focused on the potentials arising from integrated approaches and strategies for sustainable food systems and which steps are necessary to disseminate good approaches and strategies.


The workshop was supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the framework of the funding programme "Sustainable Management" (NaWi).

As part of the funding programme, a number of research projects were carried out that dealt with various aspects of sustainable food systems, from agricultural production to food waste. In September 2018, six of these research projects - including the above-mentioned ones - presented a joint results paper entitled "Approaches to Action to Promote Sustainable Food Systems" in which political options for action were outlined. In an interactive workshop, these results were discussed together with representatives from various federal ministries (BMU, BMEL, BMBF and the Federal Environment Agency) and implementation ideas were developed.

The workshop on 17 June was addressed in particular to representatives of the federal states to support them in the development of projects and strategies for sustainable food systems.

From individual projects to a holistic strategy?

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