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Dissemination of DEMEAU Outcomes


Dissemination of DEMEAU Outcomes

From Dissemination Strategy to Implementation


Lukat, Evelyn; Anna Szendrenyi; Ulf Stein 2015: Dissemination of DEMEAU Outcomes. From Dissemination Strategy to Implementation. Communication strategy for the project Demonstration of Promising Technologies to Address Emerging Pollutants in Water and Waste Water (DEMEAU).

The dissemination activities of the DEMEAU project were planned in the beginning of the project and outlined in the dissemination strategy. After three years of project work, we have a look at the achievements of these target group specific dissemination activities.

As the DEMEAU project covers a wide field of technologies, the interplay of these activities does not immediately become clear to the observer. In order to highlight the synergies of the technologies, a storyline was developed to formulate dissemination messages for a variety of means and target audiences. DEMEAU’s target groups comprise water utilities as the end users of the technologies, policy makers, scientists and technology developers as well as the general public.

With the knowledge of the target groups, messages and channels, the dissemination material could be tailored to those specific needs. For awareness raising, a video animation and a leaflet were pre-pared. To reach the broader public, information was mainly sent through the website and the social media channels. Utility events and technology brochures were aimed at raising awareness on the innovative technologies with the technology appliers. To support policy uptake of the topic, policy makers were reached out to at external events.

At the end of the three year long dissemination period the results and impacts of the activities were assessed. It was concluded that the collaboration of the variety of stakeholders within the project and beyond led to a fruitful experience of knowledge transfer. For enhancing the implementation of advanced treatment to tackle emerging pollutants, awareness raising for utilities and the general public is the key.


More content from this project

Ansel Olive Klein
35 pp.
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communication concept, communication strategy, dissemination