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DEMEAU Technology Brochures – Brochures Series


DEMEAU Technology Brochures – Brochures Series


DEMEAU Consortium (2015): Technology Brochures – Brochure Series. Brochure.

In total, four technology brochures were published by the DEMEAU consortium. They cover the technologies bioassays, ANCS, AOT and MAR. The technology brochures are aimed at utilities, water associations and technology suppliers. Therefore, they present information with a high level of technical detail. They present the following aspects:

  1. Introduction: The technology is presented in brief, the technology design is described and its effectiveness with regard to emerging pollutants is highlighted.
  2. Application of technology: The part contains requisite environmental conditions for application (e.g. residual time of water in aquifer, m³ of waste water to be purified), it portrays advantages of the technology application with a special focus on emerging pollutants. Scalability is described and recommendations for urban application are given (e.g. best fit of technology based on size of city, volume of drinking or waste water)
  3. Recommendations for implementation: Opportunities for uptake including the best audiences to target, or suggested scale of implementation are described. Barriers to Uptake with regard to legal and/or regulatory, and economic barriers are mentioned as well as other applicable barriers. Recommendations for impact are formulated (e.g. How can the technology make the most significant impact?)
  4. Synergies: What other technologies when applied with this technology provide opportunities for beneficial synergies to improve drinking water or waste water?
  5. LCA/LCC: The results of the analyses are portrayed including a description of the methodology of the analysis.
  6. Case studies: the application of the technology in case studies is described including location, overview of utility, summary of technology design, key findings.

The brochures were distributed at the utility events as well as external events. They are also available for download on the project website.


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Bart van de Burg (BDS)

Merijn Schriks (KWR)

Armelle Hebert (Veolia),

Cornelia Kienle (Ecotox Centre)

Cover design and layout: broondesign ·

6-8 pp.
Project ID
Table of contents
water, drinking water, waste water, emerging pollutants, demonstration, life-cycle analysis, managed aquifer recharge, hybrid ceramic membrane filtration, hybrid advanced oxidation processes