In the project "Scientific coordination of research projects on a sustainable economy" (Wissenschaftliche Koordination der Fördermaßnahme Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften, NaWiKo), Ecologic Institute and its partners coordinate 30 research projects, which deal with a more sustainable economy and are supported by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF).
As a central component of the project, annual conferences will be organised to facilitate exchange between the projects supported under the scheme. The second conference took place on 20 and 21 February 2017 in Halle with 100 participants in attendance.
The aim of the conference was to facilitate exchange and networking between the individuals working on the different projects. The participants were able to discuss specific topics in working groups and by means of interactive workshop methods. The conference also featured working groups on measuring sustainability, transformation paths, business models, the involvement of practice partners and the public relations of research projects.
To find out more about the NaWiKo project, visit our website or follow NaWiKo via Twitter.