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BASE Project Featured at Adaptation Future Conference 2016

BASE Project Featured at Adaptation Future Conference 2016

Rotterdam, Netherlands

After the success of the ECCA conference in 2015, the BASE project has been selected as a Best Practice project to be featured at the upcoming Adaptation Futures (AF 2016) Conference from10 until 13 May 2016, in Rotterdam (the Netherlands). BASE partners will present the project's research and tools in two sessions, several presentations and a variety of information material. Key adaptation tools developed within the projects will also be presented in the Tool Shed.

Adaptation Futures is the biennial conference of the Global Programme of Research on Climate Change Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation (PROVIA). In 2016 the European Commission and the Government of the Netherlands co-host the fourth edition.

The conference will be organised along 7 sectoral themes and 3 cross-cutting issues.

Themes include

  • Cities and infrastructure
  • Food, forestry and rural livelihoods
  • Fresh water availability and access
  • Public health
  • Ecosystems and ecosystem based adaptation
  • Disaster risk reduction
  • The Arctic

Issues include

  • Risk assessment
  • Adaptation planning and evaluation
  • Institutions and governance, Finance, investment and business 

Scientists, policymakers, practitioners and businesses will come together to discuss pressing challenges and opportunities for adaptation. Participants can also join field excursions to nearby adaptation projects in the city of Rotterdam, present their own new and practical solutions in an exhibition and network at a business fair.

BASE partners will present the project's research and tools in two sessions, several presentations and posters. The programme is available online.

Among the sessions chaired by the BASE researchers are:

  • Session SP 9.6 Local climate change adaptation: Barriers and enablers for mainstreaming and implementation;
  • Session SC 9.13 Adapting scientific methodologies - how to compare & evaluate case studies as well as integrate & upscale data.

BASE presentations during the conference include:

  • BECCA – a multi-purpose guide and evaluation tool for adaptation
  • BASE methodology framework for 23 case studies
  • Upscaling adaptation economics: Challenges and successes
  • Economic evaluation of climate change adaptation measures: Results and lessons learned from 23 European case studies
  • Climate change adaptation: Implementation barriers and enablers across Europe
  • Innovative participatory methodologies review
  • Twenty-three BASE case studies, a common methodological framework and key results
  • BASE: Adaptation in Europe from a bottom-up and top-down perspective
  • Multi-level perspective for adaptation in Cascais, Portugal
  • What is an appropriate policy response for adaptation?
  • Payment for ecosystem services – paying farmers for using farmland for flood control
  • Assessing costs and benefits of heat warning systems at European level: A methodological framework

Posters include:

  • A global analysis of adaptation case studies: State of the art
  • Priorities and options for adaption to changing flood risks in the EU
  • Climate change mitigation and adaptation: Perceptions, planning and action at the municipal level
  • Is scientific knowledge used for the implementation of sectoral adaptation policies in Europe?

Furthermore, BASE will be featured in one of the 7 pavilions of the Conference's Expo where researchers can be approached for information and publications are available for pick-up.

At the pavilion, two BASE videos on climate change challenges will be showcased. The first animated video introduces the BASE project and the second video, takes four child reporters from the fictional BASE Broadcast Studio to interview a group of 'adaptation professionals' from across Europe, including a local policy maker, a practitioner, and an EU policy maker.

BASE partner Deltares will also host an official side event on Monday 9 May to share the latest insights on climate adaptation in deltas and river basins.

Visit the Adaptation Futures website for more information, and don't forget to register at your earliest convenience.

BASE & Ecologic Institute

The EU research project "Bottom-Up Climate Adaptation Strategies for a Sustainable Europe" (BASE) supports action for sustainable climate change adaptation in Europe. BASE makes experiential and scientific information on adaptation meaningful, transferable and easily accessible to decision-makers at all levels. The project is funded under the EU’s 7th Research Framework Programme (FP7). Within the BASE Project, Ecologic Institute leads the dissemination and communication of the knowledge produced by the project. In addition, Ecologic Institute coordinates stakeholder engagement.


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Elena von Sperber
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Project ID
Adaptation, climate change, sustainability, Europe, cost-benefit analysis, stakeholder engagement, policy effectiveness, policy integration, knowledge transfer, bottom-up, top-down, environmental governance, Europe, USA, Singapore, Brazil, Peru