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Climate Policy Training Course for Journalists in Berlin

| © Matthias Duwe

Climate Policy Training Course for Journalists in Berlin


In the summer of 2015 politicians and environmental representatives worldwide prepared themselves for the climate conference in Paris (COP21). The target was to dismiss a binding international climate protection agreement. However, the thematic complexity and conference language are often only understood by experts in detail. The Ecologic Institute organized a 9-day training course for journalists from 16 different countries, that dealt with the different dimensions of global climate change, focusing in particular on the subject of the Paris conference.

Thus, a contribution has been made to improve reporting on the subject of climate change and international negotiations, which in turn makes the public debate in the participating countries more nuanced and solution-oriented.

The training course covered a wide range of topics:

  • Basics of scientific knowledge on climate change
  • Policy measures on climate protection
  • Economic assessment of the effects of climate change and climate policy
  • International climate negotiations: how to neogtiate and how to report on it?
  • Outlook of the climatic summit in Paris: Key words and expectations

The participants also took part in the "Petersberger Klimadialog" on 17 and 18 May 2015 in Berlin, where they had the opportunity to conduct interviews with the ministers of their countries of origin. This high-level discussion platform on global climate protection was launched in 2010 by the Federal Government.

Excursions, interviews and time slots for reporting were part of the program.


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Lena Donat, LLM
Robert Ostwald
Andreas Graf
Elena von Sperber
Project ID
Training, course, journalism, adaptation, climate change, climate science, emissions trading, ETS, capacity building, COP21, Petersberg climate dialogue, UNFCCC, international climate negotiations, Paris 2015, lectures, interviews, dinner dialogue, group discussion, presentation, small groups,
international, Paris, Berlin, Germany