Bereit zur Wende – Online Course
- Publication
- Citation
Wunder, Stephanie; Dräger, Iken (2012): Online Tutorial "Ready for change?", http://ufu.moodle-kurse.de/pluginfile.php/206/mod_resource/content/2/On…
The online course offers the possibility to achieve basic knowledge about the German energy system, renewable energies and the challenges the "Energiewende" in Germany has to face. The course provides interactive and entertaining questions regarding sustainable energies and takes about 2 to 2,5 hours of time, while each chapter lasts 15 to 30 minutes. The course is part of the project "Erneuerbare Energien in der Lehrerbildung verankern!" and thus includes suggestions for teaching approaches.
The course prepares background knowledge in such a way that teachers are able to integrate it in their lessons at school and are informed about the most important current debates. Furthermore teachers get tips where to find appropriate materials and how to integrate them into their lessons at school.