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A Survey of the Perceptions of Regional Political Decision Makers Concerning Climate Change and Adaption in the German Baltic Sea Region


A Survey of the Perceptions of Regional Political Decision Makers Concerning Climate Change and Adaption in the German Baltic Sea Region


Bray, Dennis and Grit Martinez 2011: A survey of the perceptions of regional political decision makers concerning climate change and adaptation in the German Baltic Sea region. International BALTEX Secretariat Publications, Publication No. 50. Geesthacht.

Ecologic Institute and Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (previously GKSS) conducted an online survey with regional political stakeholders from the German Baltic Sea coast in spring 2011. Eleven hundred actors at the community level in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania and Schleswig-Holstein were surveyed on their perceptions of climate-induced changes in their communities and possible measures for adapting to climate change. They were also questioned on their experience with using regional climate data and its use in political practice. The report is available for download.

Ten percent of all addressed stakeholders participated in the opinion poll. The analysis of the poll shows that climate change at the German Baltic Sea Coast is being recognized as a problem and that the need for pro-active and quick adaptation measures at the community level is being acknowledged. In order to have a better understanding of possible options for action, the regional stakeholders are in need of further and easily understandable research as well as information on regional issues and needs.

The questionnaire was conducted by Ecologic Institute Berlin and Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, previously GKSS and supported by BALTEX (the Baltic Sea Experiment). Results have been published in German and English. The opinion poll is part of the project RADOST (Regional adaptation measures for the Germany Baltic Sea Coast), which is headed by Ecologic Institute and sponsored within the research program "KLIMZUG-Climate Change in regions" of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Regional political decision makers in other Baltic Sea states will also be interviewed. In this context, meetings with community actors in the coastal regions in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia will take place in autumn 2011. Further information is available at Cirum Mare Balticum. Community stakeholders of Baltic communities in Sweden, Denmark and Finland will be addressed by an online-survey.

A report [pdf, 630 KB, English] on the opinion poll at the German Baltic Sea coast is available for download.


More content from this project

Dennis Bray (Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht; Zentrum für Material- und Küstenforschung)
Published in
International BALTEX Secretariat Publications, 4
91 pp.
Project ID
Table of contents
climate change, climate adaptation, stakeholder networks
Baltic Sea Coast, Germany, Europe
opinion poll