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Climate Proofing of Cohesion Policy and Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)

Climate Proofing of Cohesion Policy and Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)

Climate Proofing of Cohesion Policy and Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)


The White Paper on climate adaptation stresses the relevance of integrating adaptation needs and opportunities into key policy areas. This mainstreaming of adaptation responses into all areas of EU policy concerned by climate change will ensure that EU-funded investments and measures are "climate-proof", i.e. remain robust in their effectiveness and value under different climate change scenarios. The project: "Methodologies for climate proofing investments and measures under cohesion and regional policy and the common agricultural policy" will strengthen the discussions on climate-proofing of investments and adaptation options. Based on a vulnerability analysis of different EU policy fields, cost-benefit-evaluation of adaptation options and extensive stakeholder consultation, the project will develop policy recommendations and technical guidance materials.


This is a critical time for advancing the mainstreaming of climate change concerns into the EU spending frameworks and for increasing the funds available for climate adaptation. The EU Commission is currently preparing proposals for the next EU multi-annual financial framework that will set the priorities for European budget spending from 2013 onwards. In the coming year, the Commission will also need to develop the legislative frameworks for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the Cohesion Policy (CP) post-2013. At the same time, the 'Europe 2020 strategy' places climate change concerns prominently on the agenda. Climate-proofing investments and measures under CAP and CP is a key approach in order to ensure that these policies contribute to the overall EU objectives of smart, inclusive and sustainable growth.


The project will help to explore options for strengthening the role and relevance of climate change concerns under the CAP and Cohesion Policy.

Specifically, it will:

  • help to close gaps in the current understanding of potential impacts of climate change, sensitivities and vulnerabilities of investments and their costs and social, environmental and economic costs.
  • contribute to advancing the discussion on better implementing approaches to climate-proofing investments and measures and mainstreaming climate change concerns into the spending practice of the CAP and the CP and provide concrete policy recommendations
  • revise technical guidance documents, gather information on capacity needs and gaps and provide a platform for strengthening stakeholder interaction.


The project will analyse the expenditure categories of current and future CAP and Cohesion Policy. Existing reports on climate change impacts will be analysed regarding the relevant exposure and sensitivities of policy fields, such as agriculture, transport, health, water. The associated damage costs will be assessed and different baselines for the policy fields will be developed on the basis of climate and socio-economic scenarios.

Moreover, the project will estimate the cost and benefits of options and establish a further impact assessment for several selected adaptation options from different policy fields. The evaluation will draw on projects and literature. Furthermore, a database with the compiled results of the cost-benefit analysis and further impact assessment for the adaptation options will be developed.
A web-survey and expert interviews will be conducted to determine user needs and to guide the development of technical guidance documents, including appropriate content and format. Policy experts will be consulted to assist in the development of policy recommendations.

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GHK (GHK), United Kingdom
Project ID
adaptation to climate change, agricultural policy, regional policy, cohesion policy, cost-benefit analyses, environmental economics