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Impact Assessment of Adaptation Options - Methodology for Selecting Options

Impact Assessment of Adaptation Options - Methodology for Selecting Options

Berlin, Germany

In order to prioritize adaptation options, the project team of "Methodologies for climate proofing investments and measures under Cohesion and Regional policy and the Common Agricultural Policy" developed a typology for adaptation options. Jenny Tröltzsch presented the decision tree for the selection of adaptation options that were further analyzed using a detailed cost-benefit assessment procedure. Furthermore, the presentation included a set of criteria for a broader assessment of the options' impacts. The presentation is available for download.

The workshop on 2 April 2012 organized by Ecologic Institute is part of a project funded by the European Commission (DG CLIMA) which aims to develop "Methodologies for climate proofing investments and measures under Cohesion and Regional policy and the Common Agricultural Policy". The project is lead by IEEP, London.

Further presentations were held by James Medhurst (GHK) on climate impacts and damage costs in the European Union, Jane Desbarats (IEEP) on results of cost-benefit assessments of different adaptation options and Helen Lückge (Ecologic Institute) on a methodology and results to estimate the adaptive capacity of different EU Member States and Baseline Assessment for different policy fields.

The EU has set itself ambitious objectives for combatting climate change. In addition to efforts to mitigate the impacts of climate change, the European Commission is also advancing efforts to strengthening climate adaptation in the EU, primarily by facilitating better exchange of information and practices as well as coordinating relevant activities such as in the case of trans-boundary impacts. Two key pillars of the EU budget that are also central for adaptation efforts are the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the Cohesion Policy. Both mechanisms include significant opportunities to foster climate adaptation and need to ensure that investments that are supported contribute to adaptation goals.

In the workshop we aimed to:

  • Present and discuss impacts and vulnerabilities of climate change, including damage costs and a concept to estimate adaptive capacity
  • Discuss the links between impacts of climate change, adaptation needs and actions funded through Cohesion Policy and CAP
  • Discuss relevant adaptation options that could be funded through Cohesion Policy and CAP and the analysis of their costs, benefits and impacts
  • Identify "user needs" regarding the communication of results of the impact assessment and cost/benefit assessment of adaptation options that the project will produce

The discussions showed that with uncertainties of climate change impacts it has to be dealt in a very transparent way, but also assumptions and uncertainties in the cost-benefit assessment of options have to be explained in detailed. Synergies and conflicts between different adaptation options should be included especially in the decision for option’s implementation. The database which will be developed in the project was very much welcomed and should function as a guidance for the selection of adaptation options.

The presentation slides [pdf, 85 kB, English] are available for download.


Berlin, Germany
adaptation to climate change, agriculture, CAP, cohesion policy, cost-benefit-analysis, economic evaluation, Europe