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Methodologies for Climate Proofing Investments and Measures under Cohesion and Regional Policy and the Common Agricultural Policy

Vorgeschlagene Haushaltsmittel nach dem mehrjährigen Finanzrahmen 2014 (Medarova-Bergstrom, K. and Volkery, A. (2012))

Methodologies for Climate Proofing Investments and Measures under Cohesion and Regional Policy and the Common Agricultural Policy


Hjerp, P., Volkery, A., Lückge, H., Medhurst, J., Hart, K., Medarova-Bergstrom, K., Tröltzsch, J., McGuinn, J., Skinner, I., Desbarats, J., Slater, C., Bartel, A., Frelih-Larsen, A., and ten Brink, P., (2012), Methodologies for Climate Proofing Investments and Measures under Cohesion and Regional Policy and the Common Agricultural Policy, A report for DG Climate, August 2012.

This study developed a detailed assessment of the potential threats, risks, damage costs, and existing adaptive capacities of Member States in the realm of the CAP and Cohesion Policy, as well as an appraisal of options and strategies through which the CAP and Cohesion Policy can adapt to a changing climate. The study makes recommendations and offers guidance to public authorities in Member States on how to mainstream climate into and climate proof expenditures and measures under Cohesion Policy and the CAP. The study findings are of direct relevance for the programming of CAP and Cohesion Policy expenditures under the next EU Multi-Annual Financial Framework from 2014 to 2020. The final report is available for download.

The Cohesion Policy and the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) account for the large majority of EU spending and have a major impact on the development of EU's urban and rural economies, infrastructures and ecosystems and their services. These two policy areas can substantially support adaptation in the EU by ensuring that investments and spending under both policies are robust in their effectiveness and value under different climate change scenarios, i.e. they are "climate-proof".

The study drew on a variety of information sources, including numerous interviews with policy - makers and public stakeholders at the EU and national level and three dedicated workshops that took place in different parts of the EU.

The Ecologic Institute was responsible for the economic assessment of adaptation options, as well as contributed to the assessment of opportunities under CAP and technical guidance for the CAP.

The final report [in English] is available on this website for download.

Infographic above taken from: Medarova-Bergstrom, K. and Volkery, A. (2012): Practical Options for Climate Change Mainstreaming in the 2014-2020 EU Budget report, Brussels/London

273 pp.
Project ID
Table of contents
Mediterranean, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Cyprus, Malta, Greece, Central and Eastern Europe, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Austria, Germany, North-Western Europe, Denmark, Netherlands, France, Belgium, UK, Ireland, Northern Europe, Finland, Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia