Eike Karola Velten
Diplom-Wirtschaftsingenieurin (Graduate Industrial Engineer of Energy and Environmental Management)
Coordinator Energy
Senior Fellow
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Eike Karola Velten (née Dreblow) is a Senior Fellow and Coordinator of the Energy team at Ecologic Institute. She studies the transition to climate neutrality, with a focus on climate mitigation policies for the energy sector in particular. A trained industrial engineer, Eike Velten specializes in data collection and analysis and indicator-based assessments. She works in German and English.
Eike Velten has led and contributed to a variety of projects for European and German institutions during the ten years she has spent working at Ecologic Institute. In particular, she develops and checks planning and monitoring exercises. Currently, she tracks EU progress towards climate neutrality across a range of building blocks under the European Climate Neutrality Observatory (ECNO) being the lead author of the first flagship report. Eike Velten also supports Eurostat in its yearly monitoring of the sustainable development goals, covering SDG7 on energy and SDG13 on climate action. From its beginning in 2011 until 2019, she provided scientific support to the expert commission of the monitoring process on the energy transition in Germany.
In addition, Eike Velten analyzed the EU Member States long-term climate strategies and their National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) in several projects with a cross-cutting view on the societal changes and related policies. She also evaluates innovative climate mitigation projects carried out under the German National Climate Initiative (NKI).
Eike Karola Velten studied industrial engineering with an emphasis on energy and environmental management at the University of Flensburg (Germany). In her diploma thesis at Fichtner, she researched how concentrating solar power plants could be registered under the Clean Development Mechanism. She spent a year abroad at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain) to attend classes on marine science.
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Selected projects by Eike Karola Velten
European Climate Neutrality Observatory (ECNO)
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European Climate Foundation (ECF), International
EU Policy Initiatives and Methodological Assistance on Indicators
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European Commission, Eurostat (Eurostat), International
Assessing Policy Evaluations in the Context of the National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs)
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German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany
Assessments Supporting EU Progress towards Climate Neutrality
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European Climate Foundation (ECF), International
Support to the Expert Commission on the "Energy of the Future" Monitoring Process
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Federal Network Agency (BNetzA), Germany
Selected publications by Eike Karola Velten
Velten, Eike Karola et al. 2023: Flagship Report: State of EU progress to climate neutrality. An indicator-based assessment across 13 building blocks for a climate neutral future. European Climate Neutrality Observatory (ECNO).
Wachsmuth, Jakob et al. 2023: National Energy and Climate Plans: Evidence of Policy Impacts and Options for more Transparency. A Meta Study assessing Evaluations of selected Policies reported in the Danish, French, German, Slovenian, and Swedish Plan. Final report. Dessau-Roßlau: German Environment Agency.
Petri, Ekkehard, et al. (ed.) 2023: Sustainable Development in the European Union. Monitoring Report on Progress Towards the SDGs in an EU Context. [eurostat Statistical books 2023 edition]. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
Further assessments of EU policy planning and reporting
Velten, Eike Karola, Nick Evans, Deyana Spasova, Matthias Duwe, Ramiro de la Vega, Laurens Duin, and Harrison Branner (2022): Charting a path to net zero: An assessment of national long-term strategies in the EU. Ecologic Institute, Berlin.
Duwe, Matthias; Eike Karola Velten, Nick Evans, Mona Freundt, Julien Pestiaux, Benoît Martin, Pascal Vermeulen (2019): Planning for net-zero: Assessing the Draft National Energy and Climate Plans. Berlin, Louvain-la-Neuve, Bruessels.
Climact, Ecologic Institute (2020): Analysing the impact assessment on raIsing the EU 2030 climate target - How does the European Commission’s approach compare with other existing studies?
Evaluation of innovative climate protection projects
Velten, Eike Karola 2021: Evaluierung der Nationalen Klimaschutzinitiative. Bericht zum Förderaufruf Innovative Klimaschutzprojekte. Ecologic Institute: Berlin.
Sectoral assessments
Velten, Eike Karola; Clemens Brauer, Jan-Erik Thie (2020): Used vehicle trade and fleet composition in Europe. Final report of the project "Used vehicle trade and fleet composition in Europe" on behalf of the EEA. Ecologic Institute and Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI: Berlin, Karlsruhe.
Velten, Eike Karola, Stoll, Theresa; Meinecke, Lisa (2019): Measures for the promotion of electric vehicles. Ecologic Institute, Berlin. Commissioned by Greenpeace e.V.
Steuer, Sibyl et al. 2020: Lessons learned to inform integrated approaches for the renovation and modernisation of the built environment. Final Report to the European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy. ENER/C3/2019-468/03