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EU Policy Initiatives and Methodological Assistance on Indicators

EU Policy Indicators Project

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EU Policy Initiatives and Methodological Assistance on Indicators


Sustainable development is a long-term political goal of the European Union (EU), which has become even more important since the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the European Green Deal.

Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Union, has been monitoring progress in the field of sustainable development for years with the help of indicator sets. Since 2008, Ecologic Institute, together with the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, INFRAS and the Haymarket Media Group, has been producing monitoring reports on the subject, which will include SDG monitoring for the years 2023 to 2026, as well additional monitoring related to the sustainability priorities of the European Commission.

During the project, four monitoring reports on the implementation of the SDGs will be published as part of Eurostat's Flagship publication series. Ecologic Institute covers the following sustainability objectives: Zero Hunger (SDG 2), Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG 6), Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG 7), Climate Action (SDG 13), Life Below Water (SDG 14), Life on Land (SDG 15) and Partnerships for the Goals (SDG 17).

Within the project, Ecologic Institute also contributes each year to an additional Flagship publication by Eurostat on topics related to indicators supporting the EU's sustainability strategies. This includes any new priorities on the political agenda.

Furthermore, Ecologic Institute supports Eurostat by providing assistance on ongoing methodological work on indicators used to support high-priority EU initiatives. Topics vary based on emerging EU priorities. The work helps ensure that the sustainability indicators used by Eurostat are accurate, relevant and well communicated.


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European Commission, Eurostat (Eurostat), International
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