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Lessons Learned to Inform Integrated Approaches for the Renovation and Modernization of the Built Environment

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© European Commission

Lessons Learned to Inform Integrated Approaches for the Renovation and Modernization of the Built Environment

Final Report ENER/C3/2019-468/03


Steuer, Sibyl et al. 2020: Lessons learned to inform integrated approaches for the renovation and modernisation of the built environment. Final Report to the European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy. ENER/C3/2019-468/03

A better performing and smarter building stock is the cornerstone of the EU decarbonised energy system. In addition to the vast energy saving potential, the building sector has the potential to provide flexibility to the energy system, through energy production, control, storage and demand response, as well as green charging stations for electric vehicles. At the same time, buildings can contribute to healthier living and wellbeing through improved indoor environmental quality (IEQ) but also as an integral part of green infrastructure, contributing to social cohesion, climate adaptation and resource efficiency. This study provides lessons learned from existing legal and non-legal policy instruments in 15 European Member States, 3 non-EU countries and 5 European regions. It formulates possible ways forward in informing integrated approaches for the renovation and modernisation of the building stock and the built environment. The study provides an understanding of how provisions within seven strategic areas and their interaction can be designed and amended to meet the European Union’s long-term target to be climate-neutral by 2050.


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Paolo Michele Sonvilla (Creara Consultores SL)
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123 pp.
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building industry, digital technology, energy efficiency, energy production, financing, improvement of housing, reduction of gas emissions, smart technology, sustainable development, town planning