
Ten Recommendations Towards Transformative EU Climate Policy


4i-TRACTION (2024): Ten Recommendations Towards Transformative EU Climate Policy. Infographic. Ecologic Institute, Berlin.

The EU aims for Europe to become the first climate-neutral continent. However, it is not on track to meet it's 2050 target and significant gaps in innovation, investment, infrastructure, and policy integration remain. The 4i-TRACTION project identified slow infrastructure development, a €406 billion annual investment gap, insufficient innovation across the innovation chain and uneven integration across sectors as a key.

To achieve climate neutrality, a whole-of-government approach, increased public funding, and strategic policy support are essential. The 4i-TRACTION project outlined ten policy recommendations for future EU climate action. This infographic, conceptualised and designed by Ecologic Institute, outlines ten policy recommendations for future EU climate action.

Find out about the details in our policy paper and policy brief.

The infographic is published under a creative commons license CC BY 4.0. That means it can be copied and redistributed in any medium or format and for any purpose as long as appropriate credit to the authors (Ecologic Institute) is given.

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Concept and Content: Benjamin Görlach and Flora Dicke
Design and Layout: Lena Aebli

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transformative climate policy, EU climate neutrality, European Green Deal, climate change governance, climate policy integration, climate-friendly investments, infrastructure for climate neutrality, climate-neutral economy, long-term climate strategy, renewable energy, fossil fuel phase-out, low-carbon technologies, sustainable financing, green lead markets, European climate legislation, public participation in climate policy, regional diversification climate protection, climate-friendly basic materials, European climate investment strategy, innovation support climate protection, EU, European Union
integration and participatory governance, coordinated planning and monitoring, transformative public funding, strategic use of public procurement, low-carbon technologies, regional differentiation and experimentation, cluster development for climate neutrality, creation of a European long-term climate investment strategy, development of common methodologies to calculate product emission intensity, regulatory sandboxing, monitoring and oversight of regional dynamics, development of green lead markets for climate-friendly materials, participatory mechanisms and public participation, strengthening governance under the Net Zero Industry Act

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