
What Can the EU Learn from Non-EU Countries on its Path to Climate Neutrality?


A Ancygier, D Ramalope, C Waldmann, R Wilson, O Waterton, M Petroni, L Vasilj, E Quill, S Rabiee, M Singh, S Schmidt, W Coleman, L Martini, M Jakob, B Görlach, J Gardiner, A Park, H Hayakawa (2022): What can the EU learn from non-EU countries on its path to climate neutrality? 4i-TRACTION Deliverable D 3.4. Climate Analytics, Ecologic Institute; Berlin

This research report presents case study results of selected climate policies in non-EU countries. Based on the analysis, it develops recommendations how the experience of other countries can inform EU policymaking.

While the EU has set itself ambitious targets, there is a large implementation gap in many areas. Studying the successful implementation of climate policies in other countries may inform and improve EU policy-making and help address these implementation gaps. This assessment investigates several case studies from different countries and regions, spread across eight archetypes: electricity markets, innovation, phase-out of fossil fuels, electricity storage, railways development, passenger road transport, and efficiency in buildings.

The case studies and arguments around these archetypes are linked accordingly to one of four thematic areas: investment, innovation, integration, and infrastructure, which represent key challenges that the EU will need to address on its pathway to a net-zero emissions target. The assessment shows that the diversity of experience faced by countries offers valuable insights into how policy developments have been successful and what the EU can learn from them.

The key lessons from the case studies are summarised in a policy brief.

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Dr. Michael Jakob
Hikaru Hayakawa
Andrzej Ancygier, Ryan Wilson, Michael Petroni, Olivia Waterton, Celeste Gonzalez, Luka Vasilj, Eoin Quill, Sepideh Rabiee, Mallika Singh, Sylvia Schmidt, Christina Kurre, Walker Coleman, Deborah Ramalope, Clare Waldmann (Climate Analytics)
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442 pp.
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