Nature-based Solutions and Global Climate Protection
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German Environment Agency 2022: Nature-based Solutions and Global Climate Protection. Infographic. Online:
This infographic illustrates the total global mitigation potential of different types of Nature-based Solutions, shown by ecosystem. The scale of the total potential varies significantly for different ecosystems, i.a. because the total global area of the ecosystems is different.
This infographic is based on the study "Nature-based Solutions and Global Climate Protection", which examines the role of nature-based solutions (NBS) for global climate protection and in international climate policy.
The study provides a critical assessment of global mitigation potentials of NBS in forests, croplands, grasslands, terrestrial and coastal wetlands, and settlements and discusses uncertainties affecting the extent to which these potentials can be realized.
The results of the study, summarized in this infographic, show that the potential of NBS to mitigate emissions is probably overestimated in the scientific literature due to various factors. Nevertheless, NBS can bring multiple benefits for people and the environment and should be promoted actively.
The infographic has been developed by Öko-Institut and Ecologic Institute on behalf of the German Environment Agency. You can download a print version of the infographic.