Ergebnisse der sozial-empirischen Fundierungen
Teilbericht aus dem Projekt: "Trendradar Ressourcenpolitik"
- Publication
- Citation
Schipperges, Michael; Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers and Ariel Araujo Sosa 2021: Ergebnisse der sozial- empirischen Fundierungen. Teilbericht aus dem Trendradar-Projekt. UBA Texte 166/2021. Umweltbundesamt, Dessau-Roßlau.
Using natural resources sustainably in the long term requires not only the implementation and dissemination of resource-efficient technologies and infrastructures, but also changes in individual and collective behavior and social practices. In this context, citizens' perceptions, attitudes and patterns of interpretation are of key importance. Environmental and resource policy can only be effective and successful if it is relevant to everyday life and can be connected to it.
The report documents the results of three social-empirical research phases, which were carried out as work package 3 in the project "Trend Radar Resource Policy". In each case, citizens from all social milieus were surveyed within the framework of Moderated Research Online Communities on their assessment of trends identified in the project that are relevant to the use of natural resources and on the acceptance of political measures to conserve resources. The results show a high level of willingness to do more individually to protect natural resources, but also the expectation that politicians will create binding framework conditions for this.