Scientific Accompanying Research on Current Discourses on Resource Conservation

National, European and International Level


On the one hand, the project investigates the potential for greenhouse gas savings through resource efficiency and circular economy measures. On the other hand, it provides scientific support for the organization of the European Resource Forum (ERF) 2022 and 2024 and thus supports the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) in its organization.

Ecologic Institute is leading the scientific support of both ERFs (WP2 and WP3) and supports the formulation of resource conservation measures as input for the modelling of GHG saving potentials (in WP1 led by GWS).

To identify GHG saving potentials through RE/CE measures, an inventory of the current knowledge base is conducted and subsequently a method applicable for Germany is parameterized. In an exemplary application, GHG savings in four fields of need are modelled. A presentation of the results is planned for the ERF in 2024.

The ERF has established itself as a European discussion platform on the issue of sustainable resource use by focusing on the political and scientific debate on this topic. The Forum contributes to the development and implementation of common positions for policy-making in Europe and internationally. It is also a tool for communication on sustainable resource use issues and for networking and initiating stakeholder alliances at European and international level.

The conference is aimed at European decision-makers and experts from the fields of politics, business and industry, science and research, civil society, and media representatives.

For the plenary sessions of ERF2022, three background papers were published as part of the scientific support (1. Sustainable Resource Use and Circular Economy – the political landscape; 2. 50 years 'Limits to Growth' – where are we now, where should we go? 3. Sustainable Resource Use and Circular Economy – the Social Dimension). Dr. Camilla Bausch, Director of Ecologic Institute, moderated the event.

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Dr. Aissa Rechlin
Ariel Araujo
Project ID
ERF, European Resource Forum

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