How to Make ETS2 Work for Climate and People
- Publication
- Citation
Görlach, Benjamin; Michael Pahle and Nils aus dem Moore 2022: How to make ETS2 work for climate and people. Online: 27 June 2022. URL:…
Social concerns around introducing a carbon price for transport and heating fuels (ETS2) are legitimate. But the EU Parliament overshot the mark in its aspiration to cushion households, which becomes apparent in its request for changes to the Social Climate Fund (SCF), write Michael Pahle, Nils aus dem Moore and Benjamin Görlach in their article for EURACTIV.
The op-ed can be accessed at the EURACTIV website.
If they are well-targeted, transfer payments amounting to just slightly over 10% of the ETS 2 auction proceeds would already be sufficient to financially compensate all households.
- Language
- Authorship
Michael Pahle (PIK)Nils aus dem Moore (RWI)
- Funding
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany - Published by
EURACTIV Media Network (EURACTIV), Netherlands - Year
- Project
- Project ID
- Keywords
Carbon pricing, Emissions trading scheme, ETS II, ETS reform, social climate fundEurope