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Podcast Series about the Regionalisation of the Food System

Photos: M W on pixabay, Anastasia Shuraeva on Pexels, Stephanie Wunder, Joerg Farys – Die Projektoren

Podcast Series about the Regionalisation of the Food System

"Knowledge for Future – The Environment Podcast"

Berlin, Germany

The podcast series "Ernährungswende – Regional Gedacht" is part of "Knowledge for Future – The Environment Podcast" and a collaboration between Ecologic Institute and The four episodes with a focus on sustainable food systems deal with approaches, ideas and already implemented projects that can contribute to transforming the current food system.

The focus is on the activities of the KOPOS project network (New Cooperation for Sustainable Land-use and Food Supply in Urban-Rural Areas), of which Ecologic Institute is a part. KOPOS is examining how a stronger regionalisation of the food system can contribute to building more sustainable supply structures and value creation processes. For this purpose, pilot projects are investigated that not only produce regionally, but also ecologically and fairly.

The first episode revolves around the topic of regionalisation and how regional structures can help to make food more sustainable and environmentally friendly:

The second episode looks at the allocation of farmland in Germany and the reasons why it is difficult for farmers to access affordable land:

The third episode is about the entire process from production to consumption and about how cooperation approaches can make these processes more sustainable:

The fourth and final episode explains how food policy in Germany and the EU affect the food system transformation and what key leverages are to enable access to a regional and organic diet for all:

All episodes are available on and on all popular streaming platforms (Spotify, Deezer, Apple Podcasts).

More content from this project

Stephanie Wunder
Marie-Lisa Feller

Editor: Charlotte Thielmann (

Project ID
sustainable agriculture, cooperation, regionalisation, regional food supply, cooperation and pooling: farm models, organic food, cooperation and pooling: governance and organisational models