Getting to Net Zero in the Visegrád Countries

Comparing the national long-term strategies in Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia


On 27 January 2022 the Climate Recon 2050 Platform hosted an online event with national climate policy experts, discussing the insights from a report on the national LTSs from the four Visegrád countries.

Experts at WiseEuropa have compared the long-term strategies in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia using a methodology developed inside Climate Recon 2050. The results were presented as an impulse to discuss the different experiences and help identify ways to learn and improve – and move towards implementation.

The following people spoke to explain their respective national context for the long-term strategies (in alphabetical order of the four countries):

  • Michal Danhelka, Ministry for the Environment, Czech Republic (confirmed)
  • Stelios Grafakos, Global Green Growth Institute, Hungary (confirmed)
  • Marlena Tryka, Deputy Director at the Department of Innovation and Industrial Policy, Ministry of Development and Technology (confirmed)
  • Kateřina Chajdiaková, Climate Initiative, Slovakia (confirmed)

If you are interested in seeing the results, visit the project website or watch the recording below.


At COP26 in Glasgow, the international community highlighted the importance of long-term climate strategies (LTSs) and requested that all Parties submit theirs by 2022 (and update them regularly). In the EU, all Member States are legally obliged to produce national long-term strategies. However, the strategies have differed significantly in terms of their drafting process, final results as well as timing.

Climate Recon 2050 has developed an evaluation matrix to allow for a comparison of these divergent strategies. The analysis of the Visegrád 4 countries is the first in a series of regional comparisons to be published by the end of 2022.

This event presents fresh analysis that compares contents and process of the national LTSs for the Visegrád 4 countries. It invites reactions from the countries concerned and asks for updates on the next steps. And it will consider the question of how EU Member States, especially in a regional context, can learn from one another and create coordinated strategies towards 2050.



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