RECREATE Green Horizons Scoreboard – Instructional Video
- Publication
- Citation
RECREATE Consortium (2018). RECREATE Green Horizons Scoreboard. Instructional Video. Online:
One of the key elements of the Research Network in Climate, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials (RECREATE) project has been the development of the RECREATE Green Horizons Scoreboard. In order to show the potential user the possibilities provided by the Scoreboard, RECREATE and Ecologic Institute produced an instructional video that takes the user through a number of exemplary analyses.
The Scoreboard gives access to a unique combination of indicators on innovation systems for sustainability, covering all EU28 and additional European countries. On this basis, it allows for a number of analyses across countries, years and innovation systems.
- Language
- Credits
Concept and Script: Stephan Slingerland (Trinomics), Katarina Svatikova (Trinomics), Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers, (Ecologic Institute), Melanie Kemper (Ecologic Institute), Nino Jordan (UCL)
Animations and Sound: Laura Stark (Ecologic Institute)
Voice-over: Steve Taylor (Voice Pool)
Production: Ecologic Institute
Music: Amethyst by Ken Alkinson /
Sounds: Funding
European Commission, Directorate-General Research & Innovation (DG Research & Innovation), International - Published in
- Ecologic Institute's YouTube Channel
- Published by
Ecologic Institute, Germany - Year
- Dimension
- 2.44 min.
- Project
- Project ID
- Keywords
Horizon 2020, research, innovation, European Research Area, EU, climate, resource efficiency, raw materialsEurope
Ecologic Institute 2018: RECREATE Green Horizons Scoreboard. URL: