The Dialogue Forum "Business mitigates climate change" aimed to increase networking within the German economy to improve climate protection. After the spring of 2017, around 100 companies from all sectors of the economy worked closer together and exchanged information. The focus was on developing joint strategies and practical implementation measures for climate protection in companies. In addition, the Dialogue Forum served as a platform to present climate protection management strategies of the German economy. Thus, the achievements of pioneering German companies became internationally visible.
Over the past two years, representatives from the companies have jointly developed ideas, projects and concrete steps to promote climate protection in their companies. The Dialogue Forum has brought together climate protection pioneers among German companies and facilitated exchange of ideas across sector boundaries.To do so, it was structured around five thematic working groups: Climate-friendly supply chains; Circular economy; Company-related climate protection targets; Innovations for climate protection; and Financial sector and climate protection. The results of the working groups are available on the project website.
At the closing event in March 2020, the companies presented the results of their work and discussed the experiences made the Federal Environment Minister Svenja Schulze. The Ecologic Institute planned and organised the forum together with EY and the Wuppertal Institute.
Ecologic Institute guided and facilitated the working group on financial sector and climate protection, which brought together representatives both of leading German financials, and of large industrial companies. In addition, the Ecologic Institute developed and implemented concepts for all events planned in the project, and contributed to public relations work, in particular through the development of the logo and design.