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Soils2Sea: Reducing Nutrient Loadings into the Baltic Sea


Soils2Sea: Reducing Nutrient Loadings into the Baltic Sea


Berrini Films, Ecologic Institute and AGH University of Science and Technology Krakow 2016: Soils2Sea: Reducing nutrient loadings into the Baltic Sea. Video. Online:

The documentary film "Soils2Sea: Reducing nutrient loadings into the Baltic Sea" illustrates the societal story of implementing the EU's nitrate directive at regional realities in the EU member states, and in particularly in the Kocinka catchment area in south central Poland. The movie was developed and produced by Dr. Grit Martinez (Ecologic Institute) and Anne Berrini (berrini films) with support from Dr. Przemysław Wachniew (AGH University of Science and Technology Krakow) and is available via Ecologic Institute's YouTube channel.

Filmed across several small and lager scale farms in the Kocinka catchment, the film features perceptions, interpretations, and suggestions for actions by farmers, water treatment specialists, local policy makers, and scientists from an observatory perspective. The film also pays attention to Poland's unique historical, socio-cultural-political circumstances in farming while tracing potential local level solutions that seek to reduce Poland's share of agricultural pollution to the Baltic Sea.

The film "Soils2Sea: Reducing nutrient loadings into the Baltic Sea" pays special attention to the development of the 'polish way of farming', its manifestations and potential solutions for reduction of water pollution.

The film has received funding from BONUS, the joint Baltic Sea research and development programme (Art 185), funded jointly from the European Union's Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration and from The Danish Council for Strategic Research, The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvådsverket), The Polish National Centre for Research and Development, The German Ministry for Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung), and The Russian Foundation for Basic Re-searches (RFBR).


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Directed, edited and produced by: Anne Berrini

Supervising: Grit Martinez (Ecologic Institute)

Camera: Anne Berrini

3D Motion Graphics: Stefan List

Aerial Photography: Tomasz Michalczyk und Valentin Valkov

Sound editing: Christian Wilmes

Voice over: Jennifer Josenhans

Translations: Radoslaw Jakubczyk, Sylwia Horala, Jennifer Josenhans

Scientific Consultants: Przemyzlaw Wachniew, Dominika Bar

Scientific Team AGH University of Science and Technology Krakow: Damian Lieba, Wojtek Wrona, Marcin Jaszczur

Music: Joshua James Otto, Dexter Britain

Fotos: Annegret Holjewilken, Gerald Schernewski, Philip Kanstinger, H. Krone, Jörg Steidl, Matthias Jahr, Familie Pluszka

32:34 min
Project ID
Agriculture, Soils, Seas, Pollution, EU Nitrate Directive, Sustainability, Environmental History, Culture, Observation, Anthropology
Baltic Sea, Poland
Narrative Film, Documentary