Sustainable Ecosystem Governance under Changing Climate and Land Use in the Baltic Sea Region – 3rd BONUS Symposium
- Event
- Date
- Location
- Gdansk, Poland
- Speaker
The conference will introduce results of four BONUS projects ending in 2018: BONUS BALTICAPP, BONUS GO4BALTIC, BONUS MIRACLE and BONUS SOILS2SEA. Novel approaches for managing nutrients, as well as governance approaches for the Baltic Sea region will be presented for discussion. Analyses of scenarios for future development will be based on advanced, well-integrated modelling, from field level to the entire Baltic Sea region. The results and their use will be reflected on relevant policies and their implementation in the Baltic Sea region. All scientists and stakeholders with a vested interest in sustainable ecosystem-based governance in the Baltic Sea region are invited to join the conference. Ecologic Institute is part of the project BONUS SOILS2SEA and will present research results in oral and poster presentations.
Visit the 3rd BONUS Symposium website bonus2018.eu and register!