In an Environmental Policy Lecture on Sustainable Consumption and Production – Public Policies for Changing the "European Way of Life", R. Andreas Kraemer presented the international framework and current activities in Europe and Germany. Faculty and students attended this event at Duke University, Durham, NC, on 21 September 2004 and engaged in a lively debate.
In an Environmental Policy Lecture on European Environmental Governance and Policy Integration, R. Andreas Kraemer explained the policy process in the European Union, environmental governance, and the structures and procedures for integrating environmental protection requirements into other policies. Faculty and students attended this event at Duke University, Durham, NC, on 27 February 2003, and engaged in a lively debate.
Differences in the approaches to risk assessment and management, and the development of regulation under conditions of uncertainty, are important sources of friction between the US and the EU. A transatlantic dialogue entitled "The Reality of Precaution", managed by the Duke University Center for Environmental Solutions and the Group of Policy Advisors of the European Commission, addresses the application of the precautionary principle in practice. With sponsorship from the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF), R. Andreas Kraemer participates in and contributes to the dialogue.