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Ecologic Institute at the Climate Summit in Cancun

Ecologic Institute at the Climate Summit in Cancun

Ecologic Institute at the Climate Summit in Cancun


A breakthrough in the UN climate negotiations was achieved in Cancun, Mexico, during the first two weeks of December 2010. After the collapse of negotiations in Copenhagen in 2009, the Cancun conference revived the process by reaching a set of operational decisions that both formalise essential elements of last year’s “Copenhagen Accord” and keep the prospect of a binding agreement open. The decisions address key elements of the climate negotiations such as the aim of limiting the temperature increase to 2 degrees Celsius, a formal anchoring of mitigation pledges by developed countries as well as mitigation actions by developing countries, transparency of actions and a new Global Climate Fund. The decisions have given a new impulse to building the future climate regime, but details still need to be worked out in the run-up to the next summit in South Africa in November/December 2011. More and more civil society observers are attending the COPs every year, and many observers essentially treat the COP as a central, global meeting place for all discussions, academic work and outreach related to climate change. A delegation from Ecologic Institute also attended the climate summit.

Dr. Camilla Bausch and Dr. Ralph Bodle of Ecologic Legal participated in the negotiations, continuing to support the German delegation and EU team.

Michael Mehling, President of Ecologic Institute, Washington DC spoke at the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) COP16 Side-Event „Merging Climate Efforts: Inside or outside the UN system?”

Emily McGlynn, Transatlantic Fellow, took part in a press conference presenting climate science and climate policy research carried out by young people from across the world, indicating that young people are taking on leading roles and contributing to these areas in very real and lasting ways. Additionally, she participated in a workshop which assessed the progress made in the negotiations towards gender and climate justice.

At the “Oceans Day” side event, Dr. Grit Martinez, Senior Project Manager, spoke about adaptation strategies for coastal regions. Additionally, she moderated the Ecologic Institute workshop „Stakeholder based approaches to climate change adaptation in coastal regions and cities“. Furthermore, she presented the RADOST project to a broader public in several venues, e.g. at the Nairobi Work Programme on Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change Focal Point Forum.

2 December 2010

Press Conference: “What is the future of climate science?”

Organiser: SustainUS

Emily McGlynn presented her joint research paper on an international emissions reduction burden sharing framework.

Summary of results: The press conference was well attended by young people and representatives of the press. Questions regarding why young people are getting more involved in climate research were answered.

4 December 2010

Workshop on “Gender and international climate policy - climate and gender capacity building for women scholars”

Organiser: Colorado State University

Emily McGlynn discussed strategies to encourage women and girls to actively participate in climate research.

Summary of results: A new research agenda for incorporating gender considerations into climate change issues, and why considering women as leaders and important actors in these areas is important was discussed. It was agreed that an important first step is taking stock of how and/or if information on gender is getting into the UNFCCC. More information on the workshop is available.

4 December 2010

Side event: Oceans Day at Cancun - Implementation and Financing Strategies for Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change Impacts on Coastal Communities and Small Island Developing States

Organiser: Global Forum on Oceans, Coasts, and Islands

Dr. Grit Martinez contributed to the panel debate.

6 December 2010

Focal Point Forum: Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change

Organiser: Nairobi Work Programme (NWP)

Summary of results: Ecologic Institue participated in the Nairobi Work Programme (NWP) Meeting. The Nairobi Work Programme is a platform for the exchange of knowledge that brings together those possessing and those in need of adaptation relevant knowledge. The implementation of the NWP during the past five years has successfully generated a critical mass of engaged stakeholders at different levels and from different sectors. Its objective is to assist all Parties under the Convention to improve their understanding of impact vulnerability and adaptation, make informed decisions on adaptation actions and measures and respond to climate change on a sound scientific, technical and socio-economic basis.

7 December 2010

Stakeholder-Based Approaches to Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Regions and Cities

Organiser: Ecologic Institute, Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht/ Centre for Materials and Coastal Research, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, United Nations Human Settlements Programme

Summary of results: Ecologic Institute Berlin, the Helmholtz Center Geesthacht (HZG), Germany, the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (Netherlands) and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (Kenya) co-convened a session on Stakeholder- Based Approaches to Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Region and Cities. Participants included representatives from Europe, North America, Asia and Africa. As a general conclusion, the participants agreed that there is a need for an iterative approach to climate change adaptation with a local focus which is not necessarily only a political process. The participants stressed the necessity of knowledge management, information flow capacity building and transparency. These issues have to be realized through considerable work in the field of science communication and the production of useable knowledge for regional activities. The event was part of the regional adaptation strategy KLIMZUG (Managing Climate Change in Regions of the Future) – an initiative of the German Ministry of Education and Research. But specific references were also made to the project RADOST (Regional Adaptation Strategies for the German Baltic Sea Region).

9 December 2010

Merging Climate Efforts: Inside or outside the UN system (International Negotiations Stream)

Organiser: IETA

Michael Mehling participated in the panel debate.
